
A new era of the internet & the end of pen spinning (as we know it)

Long time no see. RPD here. The world is upon its imminent destruction. Is what I'd like to say, but sadly that's not the case. The current situation is much worse: the world not only will continue existing, but we have no knowledge nor tools to deal with the consequences of what's happening now. We're lost and helpless. One of the most important things I learnt when writing my book is that the social dynamics of the internet completely determine the cultural output of the hobby. I identified 4 clear-cut eras (pre-internet, personal pages, forums, social media) and the hobby looked completely different in each of them (sparse output, trick naming & discovery, tournaments & collaborations, decrease of large projects & increased single-spinner activity). WC16 wasn't organized due to this change in social dynamics. Spinners couldn't organize in forums, so it took some time for spinners to reorganize in social media until the 2017 tournaments happened. W...

Lunar gospel - Tutorial

Hi! So recently the new dr grip play balances came out and I wanted to make a mod with them. My main objective was to have an interesting construction and for the metal tubes to be visible, so I decided to make it fully translucent. This is not the simplest, nor the best mod that can be made with the new weights. In the end, you can use them as tips in "common" constructions like KT. But I thought that by making something different I could inspire someone to try and make new designs by themselves as well ^^ The name is because I was inspired by the mod Venus Gospel when designing this. The caps ended up being longer and I ended up removing the other side of the grip so now the grips are not as similar to that, but I still like this name. The pen is 21.5 cm long and quite heavy, although I don't have a scale to measure that. It's also very cheap aside from the playbalances MATERIALS: 2 frixion light (caps) 2 daiso DIY pens (bodies) 1...

Some announcements + A first look inside the new edition of the book

 Hi!  After the release of the second edition of the book I got many requests for doing a paperback print run. However, it takes a lot of money to do a proper print run and I didn't want to immortalize something that I didn't feel satisfied with. Since then I have worked hard on improving the book to what I feel is as good as I can make it. Today, I finished writing it. The book is now being copy edited, which will be finished on the first week of December. This means that preorders for the physical book will start on December, and they will be shipped on January.   The price for the softcover isn't set yet. We are talking with various Japanese companies to see which one provides the best quality at a reasonable cost. We will sell it on the collective website as cheap as iColor and I can manage to print and ship it without losing money on the process. The digital version will still be free for everyone. Although I plan on doing small updates to it on the future, this will...

About books

Written knowledge is everywhere. Until recently, I didn't pay much attention to the implications of the format in which it was written, as I assumed that it was just selected based on convenience and length. If it's short, you can post a few tweets. If it gets longer, you may write a blog post. Maybe even a word document, so that if it becomes even longer you can expand it with no issues. But if I think about it more deeply, there are some fundamental differences and expectations for each format. Tweets are supposed to be more spontaneous, not given much thought. Blog posts are more structured, often re-read one or two times before being published. And a document may even be revised over time, to reflect how your opinion has changed or to correct for some errors in the information there presented. And then there's the book. From its physical format, to how it's organized, how cleanly it is presented, how it's given a name and how much it is fetishized in our societ...

Oxide SC tutorial

 Hi! Yesterday I finished a personal mod and a few people have asked for a tutorial. I'll write a bit more about the mod after the steps, in case that someone is interested in the thought process. Specs Weight: medium (I don't have a scale right now, just by feel I'd say about 14-15g) Length: 20.7cm Difficulty: medium Materials x1 Kokuyo Enpitsu Sharp (tip and front of the body) x1 Stalogy MP (body) x1 Pilot frixion colors (cap) x1 Pentel HGG (tip and grip) x1 Pilot Hi-Tec C (tip) x1 Uni Signo DX (grip) x1 Pilot dr grip playborder (inner grip) Subs You can sub the Hi-Tec + HGG tips for a signo tip (although the weight distribution feels somewhat off, I didn't like it) and the playborder inner grip for basically any spare grip that you have at home, like some anyball stripes. It's just to balance the back, so you can use anything. Also, I used a stalogy MP because they were cheaper, I think that MP and BP have the exact same bodies. Note that there are various types ...

Seis aspectos clave para no ser filtrado en tu próxima CV

Si llevan un tiempo en la comunidad y ya saben como hacer un combo o freestyle fluido, es posible que se hayan planteado enviar un video para una colaboración. Perfecto! Tomamos el movil, enfocamos a la mano y empezamos a grabar, no? Bueno, es algo más complicado que eso. ¿Qué es una CV y qué es el filtro? Un video de colaboración (o por sus siglas en inglés, CV) es un proyecto en el cual suele haber involucrado un editor y un organizador, que en muchos casos son la misma persona. Para esta CV se elige un tema (la dirección o estilo artístico que tendrá), se propone una fecha límite (deadline) y se anuncia para que otros spinners puedan enviar sus videos. Una vez pasada la fecha límite, el organizador decide, de todos los combos que han enviado, cuales son los mejores, para que aparezcan en el video final editado. Si el número de combos es bajo no habrá filtro o la CV se cancelará, pero si el número de combos es alto, el filtro puede ser muy estricto. La diferencia entre tiktok y una C...

Proposal of a belt system for guiding new ps communities

Right now, the Spanish-speaking pen spinning community is growing very fast, and I've been wondering about a good way of guiding progress when there are 5 experienced spinners and hundreds of newcomers. For this matter, a belt system was a very nice of going about it. It's been very successful in martial arts, but what really sells me off is how successful it has been in lockpicking: Before we jump right into it, let me address some important points: My intentions with this belt system The idea is to make a ladder that new spinners can see, easily understand and get to work to climb. In a similar way to Megas' trick learning order, oversimplifying pen spinning for the sake of ease of guidance can be very positive. Otherwise, we have a ton of new spinners asking "what to do now", "what do I do after x", or just losing motivation to continue spinning altogether since they can't come up with any imme...

Estilos de pen spinning

Existen muchos estilos de pen spinning. Muchas veces, un spinner no puede ser clasificado dentro de un único estilo, pero de todos modos es una terminología que se suele usar bastante y conviene conocerla.   Power / Powertricks   Los combos consisten en muchos trucos fingerless, lanzamientos del mod al aire y pequeños spins de forma continua. Uno de los powertrickers más famosos y ganador del torneo mundial WT19 es i.suk Wipers Los combos basados en wipers son aquellos en los cuales se toma el mod por un extremo, y se desliza por los dedos. Se usa menos de lo habitual la caña o parte central del mod. Uno de los spinners más famosos recientemente es fukrou, el cual ha aparecido en varias colaboraciones de altísimo nivel y ha estado en el equipo ganador del WC20.  Tech / Complexity   Los combos de este estilo se basan en complejos movimientos del mod entre los dedos, a veces cruzándolos entre ellos. Un spinner notable es fel2fram, el cual revolucionó el pen spi...

Notación de las manos

En el penspinning nos encontraremos con cosas como 12, 23-T1, 34-12, etc. Estos números y letras se utilizan para saber en que posición está el boli, ya que corresponden a los dedos y otras partes de la mano. En esta ilustración se pueden ver las distintas partes de la mano, con la notación de penspinning, y abajo se detallan: T - Significa "Thumb" en inglés, se refiere al dedo pulgar. 1 - Es el primer dedo sin contar el pulgar, es decir, el índice, Index en inglés. 2 - El segundo dedo sin contar el pulgar, middle en inglés; corazón, medio, mayor o cordial para nosotros. 3 - El tercer dedo sin contar el pulgar, o sea, el dedo anular. En inglés ring finger. 4 -  El cuarto y último dedo de la mano. En inglés little o, más usado en penspinning, pinky. En español es el dedo meñique, o pequeño. P - Palm en inglés, la palma de la mano. B - Back en inglés, el dorso de la mano. Tf - Abreviación de Thumbflap en inglés, la piel entre T y 1, que no es lo mismo que T1.   Cuando es...

Glosario de pen mods

Los bolis y penmods son el instrumento para el penspinning. Es recomendable saber reconocer las diferencias entre ellos y las distintas partes de éstos. Mats - El término mats, usado en modding, se refiere a los materiales usados (más concretamente los unmodded pens) para crear un penmod. Modder - Aquél que practica el modding de bolis. Modding - Así como el penspinning se basa en girar bolis, el modding se basa en crear penmods a partir de unmodded pens. Unmodded   - Aquel bolígrafo, rotulador, etc, sin modificaciones, o con muy pocas de tal manera que a simple vista parece que no tiene. En otras palabras, un boli o rotulador normal. Se pueden usar directamente para el PS (aunque pueden no ser muy adecuados) o como piezas para penmods. Algunos unmodded son famosos por ser especialmente buenos para pen spinning, por ejemplo: Nitoms Stalogy Pilot Dr Grip Normalmente a los unmoddeds ...