A new era of the internet & the end of pen spinning (as we know it)

Long time no see. RPD here. The world is upon its imminent destruction. Is what I'd like to say, but sadly that's not the case. The current situation is much worse: the world not only will continue existing, but we have no knowledge nor tools to deal with the consequences of what's happening now. We're lost and helpless. One of the most important things I learnt when writing my book is that the social dynamics of the internet completely determine the cultural output of the hobby. I identified 4 clear-cut eras (pre-internet, personal pages, forums, social media) and the hobby looked completely different in each of them (sparse output, trick naming & discovery, tournaments & collaborations, decrease of large projects & increased single-spinner activity). WC16 wasn't organized due to this change in social dynamics. Spinners couldn't organize in forums, so it took some time for spinners to reorganize in social media until the 2017 tournaments happened. W...